Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Coming of Age in Mississippi (The Story of Anne Moody)

Coming of Age in Mississippi (The Story of Anne Moody) Free Online Research Papers Coming of Age in Mississippi was an excellent autobiography about the unforgettable personnel story of a remarkable young woman named Anne Moody. In this story, Anne details the sights, smells and suffering growing up in a racist society and the daily risks she encountered to challenge it. This was an extremely accurate portrait of black family life in the rural south and inspirational account of a young girl becoming a woman right in front of the reader’s eyes. This book explains how it was to grow up black in Mississippi in the forties and fifties and to have survived with pride and courage intact. Throughout the book Anne discusses the challenges that African Americans in the south had to deal with on a daily basis. The challenges which faced the black community affected them in terms of economic prosperity, affordable housing and the lack of nutrition. Economically it was hard for African Americans in Centerville and all of Mississippi for that matter to get ahead and live comfortable lives. Anne throughout the book had numerous jobs as a domestic house cleaner, a waitress, an assembly worker at a chicken factory, a field hand, a civil rights activist and a few more to add as well. Her employment status was like a revolving door changing multiple times throughout the book. Anne was not the only African American affected by this pattern; she followed in her mother’s footsteps when it came to multiple jobs. Her mothers 2nd husband Raymond was employed through the government, since he was enlisted in one of the branches of the military throughout the book. Some of the more successful Negros in the book owned their own cafes and were supported by the black community. Just as employment was ever so changing for Anne so was the housing situation. As you read the book it seems as if Anne and her family are outlaws running away from authorities with the given amount of places they lived. Anne lived with a countless number of relatives, Anne stayed in multiple houses, but none of them felt like home for her. Anne and her family stayed with wealthy white folk as well, this transpired because Anne and her mother were usually doing domestic work for the given home owner. The nicest house form a physical standpoint Anne stayed in was the one Raymond built but that house was not a home due to the fact that Raymond was a sick and frustrated individual. The smallest thing can make a house a home like a nice meal with great conversation with family and the warmth you receive form that experience. Throughout the book Anne describes the lack of malnutrition she encountered throughout her struggle to become influential. Usually Anne’s daily meal consisted of beans and bread, the only time she encountered meat was when the wealthy white people she was working for offered her leftovers. The topic of food later in the book was a stepping stone to what was to be of Anne Moody when she boycotted the food in the college cafeteria because the grits supposedly had maggots in them. These challenges which were presented to African Americans on top of discrimination from whites accumulated into psychological effects which still exist today. One of the pieces in the book which best describes the result of mental battering is the excerpt which involves Wilbert, Emma’s sister Janie’s husband who has a loaded shotgun ready to be used for destruction. Wilbert was in a fight with Janie and Emma got involved and was accidentally shot in the foot. Emma did not feel hate toward s Wilbert but blamed the white man, stating that none of this would have happened if a black man can keep a job in this town then he wouldn’t be fighting with his wife about money. Another example of discrimination affecting the psychology of African Americans in the south was the separate but equal school systems which weren’t necessarily equal. Anne always excelled in school she always had black students and teachers around her. When Anne went to college she was intimidated by the white teachers and she ended up not going to LSU because of this, she was afraid of â€Å"white teachers† who she thought had to prove a point of being a â€Å"white teacher†. The last psychological effect I’m going to note is that of all African Americans with the right to vote. Anne mentioned in the book that the African American voters who were much older were brainwashed form years and years of neglect and were now content with what they had. Anne understood this so she targeted the youth of the African American community the ones whose minds weren’t polluted and who were willing to be open to new things such as sit-ins and picketing. Legal examples of racism and discrimination within the bindings of this book are vast and extremely ignorant. To make blacks stay away from voting polls, states put tests at the voting station which were biased and did not favor African Americans one bit. This is why it was extremely hard for Anne to motivate fellow blacks to vote because it was pretty disheartening going to vote and being shutdown because you misspelled or misprounced something from the state constitution. Plessey vs. Ferguson states separate but equal, but that was not the case when it came to school conditions; from grade school to college conditions were harsh, this law was also evident at the movie theaters where blacks sat in the balcony and whites on the lower level. Black farmers were also mistreated, cotton was the main crop in Mississippi but for most black farmers they never had a study income. While blacks were struggling as basically sharecroppers white farmers were making a profit the state which would have usually given them grants. The last legal means of discrimination on African Americans in the south was used through the media. A big part why the movement was so difficult to attain was the unification of black civil rights groups was not there, the reason for this was the white media would make up false headlines which other African Americans would read then they would become discouraged and bail out of the movement for equal rights. Along with the legal tactics intended to keep blacks in the dark white southerners used terror to keep African Americans submissive. In keeping the African Americans hopes downs white southerners used tactics such as intimidation, murder, arsine and blacklisting. During one of the nights at the freedom house Anne and a couple of civil rights activists were trying to sleep but the flashlights and dogs from the police officers were keeping her up all night this was one of many intimidation tactics. Murder, was the case of a man who was shot with a double barrel shotgun because he was supposedly involved with the NAACP. Arsine occurred in Centerville when the Taplin’s house was burned to the ground because word around town was that a black male (Mr. Banks) was having relations with a white woman. Anne who had made quite a name for herself in the movement was always afraid of her family members being blacklisted back in Centerville. When sending letters back home Anne was extremely hesitant to reveal a detailed analysis of her plans for the movement. On the topic of lists Anne was on a list which sent a chill up her spine, the Klan’s Hit List. While reading Coming of Age in Mississippi Anne notes many significant historical events which transpired in her quest of civil liberties for African American people. Anne who was an active member of C.O.R.E during her college years was involved in some groundbreaking protests for African Americans. Anne’s most famous act for justice was the Woolworth sit-in where Anne and a few other black protesters wanted to get served equally at a dining hall. This event was a huge success the NAACP days after started protests and issued a list of demands which included hiring of black policemen, removal of segregation signs and integration of public facilities. History as we know is not always pretty there were many ugly and tragic historical events stated in this book. Some of the whores of the racist society which existed in the rural south were evident in the Birmingham church bombings were four young black children were killed, on the topic of brutal murders on black children Emit Til ls murder was also a low point in United States history. The last historic event I’m going to highlight which occurred in the text was the assassination of JFK a young and dynamic president who was dedicated to the civil rights movement. The reason why people like Anne and JFK were so motivated to make America a better place was because they witnessed complacency among all American citizens when it came to inequalities among blacks and whites. The reason Anne was so motivated to achieve something better for her when those around her weren’t was that things could really not get any worse for her she did not see a future for herself or the youth of blacks. Anne was an extremely independent individual residing all over the south and she did not rely on others to determine her destiny that’s what made her such a unique individual for her time she was a trendsetter, a revolutionist. During my completion of reading this book I found two passages which were extremely moving. The first passage which I’m going to chronicle is from Anne’s time when she was involved in the movement. Anne was organizing a voter registration drive and if eligible African Americans voters registered they would receive a supply of clothes. The response was great and lot of voters showed and picked up clothes but know one registered, which frustrated Anne as well as myself. The thing which was lacking in my eyes during the movement was the lack of accountability among African Americans on other African Americans. The second passage I’m to comment on is also from the movement it has to do with the imitative of the given civil rights groups. During the time of the protests numerous black students were thrown in jail for rioting and bailed out of jail by given negro organizations. My question is why a student like Anne Moody who is a bright minded scholar is struggling to pay for tuition but has no problem getting money to be bailed out of jail? I don’t know all the circumstance which occurred but, I feel like education is the ultimate investment and that did not seem apparent in this given situation. If I had read this book in 1968 I would have gotten involved in the Civil Rights Movement. One of the men I admire most in this world is Jim Brown the former Browns running back who is an icon in both the white and black community. One of Jim Brown’s selling points to the black community is his outspokenness about historical knowledge on civil rights. Brown explains to the black community that no movement in this country towards black equal rights was not possible without a white person putting their neck on the line. One of the examples Mr. Brown often brings up is Branch Rickey initiating the arrival of Jackie Robinson as the first African American major league baseball player. I believe if more white people like Branch Rickey put their neck on the line racial parody would become a reality. Research Papers on Coming of Age in Mississippi (The Story of Anne Moody)19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsHip-Hop is ArtEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenCapital PunishmentMind TravelThe Hockey Game

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Peroxisomes - Eukaryotic Organelles

Peroxisomes - Eukaryotic Organelles Peroxisomes are small organelles found in eukaryotic plant and animal cells. Hundreds of these round organelles can be found within a cell. Also known as microbodies, peroxisomes are bound by a single membrane and contain enzymes that produce hydrogen peroxide as a by-product. The enzymes decompose organic molecules through oxidation reactions, producing hydrogen peroxide in the process. Hydrogen peroxide is toxic to the cell, but peroxisomes also contain an enzyme that is capable of converting hydrogen peroxide to water. Peroxisomes are involved in at least 50 different biochemical reactions in the body. Types of organic polymers that are broken down by peroxisomes include amino acids, uric acid, and fatty acids. Peroxisomes in liver cells help to detoxify alcohol and other harmful substances through oxidation. Key Takeaways: Peroxisomes Peroxisomes, also known as microbodies, are organelles that are found in both eukaryotic animal and plant cells.A number of organic polymers are broken down by peroxisomes including amino acids, uric acid, and fatty acids. At least 50 different biochemical reactions in the body involve peroxisomes.Structurally, peroxisomes are surrounded by one membrane that encloses digestive enzymes. Hydrogen peroxide is produced as a by-product of peroxisome enzyme activity which decomposes organic molecules.Functionally, peroxisomes are involved in both the destruction of organic molecules and the synthesis of important molecules in the cell.Similar to mitochondria and chloroplast reproduction, peroxisomes have the ability to assemble themselves and reproduce by dividing in a process known as peroxisomal biogenesis. Peroxisomes Function In addition to being involved in the oxidation and decomposition of organic molecules, peroxisomes are also involved in synthesizing important molecules. In animal cells, peroxisomes synthesize cholesterol and bile acids (produced in the liver). Certain enzymes in peroxisomes are necessary for the synthesis of a specific type of phospholipid that is necessary for the building of heart and brain white matter tissue. Peroxisome dysfunction can lead to the development of disorders that affect the central nervous system as perioxsomes are involved in producing the lipid covering (myelin sheath) of nerve fibers. The majority of peroxisome disorders are the result of gene mutations that are inherited as autosomal recessive disorders. This means that individuals with the disorder inherit two copies of the abnormal gene, one from each parent. In plant cells, peroxisomes convert fatty acids to carbohydrates for metabolism in germinating seeds. They are also involved in photorespiration, which occurs when carbon dioxide levels become too low in plant leaves. Photorespiration conserves carbon dioxide by limiting the amount of CO2 available to be used in photosynthesis. Peroxisome Production Peroxisomes reproduce similarly to mitochondria and chloroplasts in that they have the ability to assemble themselves and reproduce by dividing. This process is called peroxisomal biogenesis and involves the building of the peroxisomal membrane, intake of proteins and phospholipids for organelle growth, and new peroxisome formation by division. Unlike mitochondria and chloroplasts, peroxisomes have no DNA and must take in proteins produced by free ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The uptake of proteins and phospholipids increases growth and new peroxisomes are formed as the enlarged peroxisomes divide. Eukaryotic Cell Structures In addition to peroxisomes, the following organelles and cell structures can also be found in eukaryotic cells: Cell Membrane: The cell membrane protects the integrity of the interior of the cell. It is a semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cell.Centrioles: When cells divide, centrioles help to organize the assembly of microtubules.Cilia and Flagella: Both cilia and flagella aid in cellular locomotion and can also help move substances around cells.Chloroplasts: Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis in a plant cell. They contain chlorophyll, a green substance that can absorb light energy.Chromosomes: Chromosomes are located in the cells nucleus and carry heredity information in the form of DNA.Cytoskeleton: The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that support the cell. It can be thought of as the cells infrastructure.Nucleus: The cells nucleus controls cell growth and reproduction. It is surrounded by the nuclear envelope, a double-membrane.Ribosomes: Ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis. Most often, individual ribosomes have both a small and large subunit.Mitochondria: Mit ochondria provide energy for the cell. They are considered the cells power house. Endoplasmic Reticulum: The endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes carbohydrates and lipids. It also produces proteins and lipids for a number of cell components.Golgi Apparatus: The golgi apparatus manufactures, stores, and ships certain cellular products. It can be thought of as the shipping and manufacturing center of the cell.Lysosomes: Lysosomes digest cellular macromolecules. They contain a number of hydrolytic enzymes that help to break down cellular components.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Natural history and phenology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Natural history and phenology - Assignment Example In essence, this laboratory experiment entailed collecting phonological data for a tree on the campus of NEIU with a view of contributing to the modern phenology network. After being provided with a tree to be used for the experiment, I found out that the tree had broad leaf, alternate, compound, and pinnate. In this case, given that, the tree had a broad leaf it was a characteristic of a deciduous hardwood. As observed, one of the leaf was on each node, and it had multiple leaflets on a common stalk and the given multiple leaflets being arranged in a pattern resembling a feather and they were all attached to a central rachis. It had a bark of distinctive lighter streaks with a corn large about ? to 3/2 inch and a shallow cap resembling a beret. Following this chronological order of the tree characteristics, it was clear that the tree was the northern red oak as observed in the appendix B. This type of tree is often found on a varied of soil but more especially on moist sandy clay an d the rocky soil. The table 1 (appendix B) shows the chronological order followed in order to arrive at the conclusion that the tree was the northern oak. ... An oak wilt is a fungal disease often known to be transmitted by insects. It is worth noting that the ork wilt disease is transmitted through the underground roots. It is characterized by the leaf discoloring, bronzing and wilting. Contrary to what was the expected phenology, in week two, there were more leaves infected by the wilt disease with one side of the tree dropping off. Leaves were on the other hand turning brown and they were falling off. In the third week, it was evident that there were more leaves that had been infected with a single leave remaining green though some section of the tree showed signs of dying. On the fourth week, it was vivid that the entire tree was infected and thus ended up drying up. On 15th of October which marked the beginning and end of week five, it was clear from observation that the tree in its totality had turned brown and crusty. When finally, the observation was made on 11th of November, it was certainly clear that there were no leaves. The ta ble 2 (appendix A) shows the procedure followed in carrying out the experiment. Work Cited Koech, EE, & Chmielewski, Claudio. Guidelines for plant Phenological Observations. Meteorologie 2007, 398: 225 – 243. APPENDIX A Table 1. Broad leaf Bark with distinct lighter streaks Acon large ? to 3/2 inch with a shallow cap which resembles a beret. Found on moist but not wet sites Alternate Compound Pinnate Table 2. Week one Leaves were 4 to 9 inches long, dark green, with a distinctive lighter streakes. Week two More leaves infected by the wilt disease with one side of the tree dropping off Third week More leaves infected with a single leave remaining green Fourth week Entire tree was 11th of November No leaves 15th of October Tree had turned brown and crusty APPENDIX B Diagram 1 : Leaf

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

W8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

W8 - Assignment Example The author further asserts that such profits disappear after the competitors copy the innovations. The system swallows up ideas and changes them into a well-digested fodder for everyday productivity. He therefore, calls the introducers of these changes entrepreneurs, the business trailblazers or risk takers. He also noted that competition always forced down the prices leading to the ultimate disappearance of profits. He describes entrepreneurs as talented specialists who differ from politicians or military leaders as the society treats them as social pariahs or upstarts. They, therefore, reside outside the limelight, fond of dynasties and are not motivated by riches or titles. As the economy grows to complexity, senior managers are faced with uncertainties. Frank Knight pointed out that risk and uncertainties are different. His thesis stated that entrepreneurs are better at peering into the improbability that does not mean that they are efficient since it can neither be observed nor quantified. His argument rested in uncertainty, not efficiency. Knight argues from an abstract concept of uncertainty. His theory could be improved by minimizing contracting and supervisory cost to create efficacy. Schumpeter’s driving force is his accolade to the talented few. Another intriguing possibility is that he imbued with elitist notions that have created this paradigm as a means of self-glorification. He sees himself as the swami of elitism. He begs the question of economics by reducing it to one quibble: Do economists merely compartmentalize the facts about life the way we know it, or they serve as visionaries? Is economic function analytical or predictive? He opted to lay out a vision for the future generations rather than being mundane with money matters. He produced a passionate interest in the captains of industries. Schumpeter’s argues that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

IT Professional Presentation Essay Example for Free

IT Professional Presentation Essay Presentations are meant to be professional with a lot of effort required in the structuring of speech and the assurance of putting across the right message. Professionals in any field or walk of life need to have a good speech which would make them better presenters and hence a noticeable being among all the other employees. An organization has hundreds and thousand and sometimes even more than that employee in number. To make oneself noticeable in the eyes of the one that matter, makes a lot of difference in the career growth. Hard work is something that everyone does but few are those who are able to present it in a manner that enables the top officials to notice you. There are many ways to present and presentations are becoming increasingly common in today’s world. PowerPoint and Flash are the most utilized of all but written means of assistance and even plain verbal speech is also presentation. All these means of presenting are justified depending on the situations and the matter to be presented. Hence, it is not the material that matters to a large extent but it’s what you say right at the right time is what matters. Introduction Information system can be any organised combination of people, hardware, software, communication networks, and data resources that collects, transforms, and disseminates information in an organisation. Like any other system operates within an environment, information system and technology are very important in contemporary business, because they have become a significant component for success in any organisation, such as university, healthcare centre and company. However these are the most important and vital in internet business area because it cannot be managed without information system and technology. In addition internet business can increase their sales and profits by implicating efficient and effective e-commerce which is one of major parts of information system. There are big names that are involved with the IT industry such as the Amazon. com which is solely an internet based company. Other multinationals such as McDonalds are also involved in it despite being a fast food organization. Brief information regarding the two organizations are as follows. Critical Analysis of the Presentations ‘Things they are Achangin-1’ talk about the computer and Information Technology details. It starts off with telling the memory capacity of a computer. The different memories and the capacities that a computer and its hardware has, is explained in the presentation. Along with that it talks about the computer networking and the usage of broadband. It had become increasingly famous and popular in the current years and most of the people in the world have it. ‘Things they are Achangin-2’ on the other hand talks about other energy sources such as batteries and cars and how their mechanism works. These two mentioned sources have also become increasingly important over their years for day to day life. Along with that it has compared their mechanical sources with human body and mind and has talked about the structure of a robotic body. Delivery Channel Strategy ‘Delivery Channel Strategy’ defines the objective of delivery channel which are Projecting and representing the brand defending and developing the active consumer base, obtaining new customers and meeting essential service requirements. It also talks about the benefits of branches, which branches are used more for financial services and why. It explains self servicing and explains the benefits of automated machines which empower the customers. It takes into account the different product used by the financial institutions and their usage. Key Implications of Delivery Strategies In order to have an effective delivery strategy, one needs to take into account all the aspects that come before that as well in order to execute the plan in the most effective manner possible. The following delivery process is explained with an example of Amazon. com, the online trading place. a) Goods, products, ecommerce solution: It started off as a book store with an online presence but later on it kept on adding products in its portfolio and now they have different categories in which they divide their products into such as ‘Books, Music and Movies’, ‘Clothing and Accessories’, ‘Computer Office’, ‘Consumer Electronics’, ‘Food and Household’, ‘Health and Beauty’, ‘Home and Garden’, ‘Kids and Toys’, ‘Sports and Fitness’, ‘Tools and Automotives’, ‘Bargains’ and ‘Gifts and List’. There are further bifurcations within these categories as well which offers further variety to the customers. There services are divided into the categories of ‘Make Money’, ‘For the Community’, ‘For Developers’, ‘For Advertisers’ and ‘Partner Services’. .A9. com caters to the information content requirement which is a search engine present directly on the Amazon. com. (Amazon, 2007). b) Performance and services: The existence of the website over this long period of time indicates its efficiency and the level of customer satisfaction. The website is very well put together so that the customer can easily find their way through to their desired destination. â€Å"Amazon. com, BN. com, and Half. com aren’t getting any complaints at all because they are very simple to use and to understand. Each of these web sites are made for the computer illiterate or just plain lazy† (B2C e-commerce design and performance for Amazon. com, BN. com, Half. com, n. d. ). c) Personalization: The site lay out of the website is also user friendly and it takes no time to find where one wants to go unlike the complicated sites which are hard to browse. It offers the customer to personalize by offering a shopping cart just like an actual shopping mall to create a sense of personalization. They have many products and services and â€Å"different categories of all their items. They also have the option to make â€Å"Your Store,† this is where they store all the information that you like the best and what products you are most interested in† (B2C e-commerce design and performance for Amazon. com, BN. com, Half. com, n. d. ). This gives a sense of individuality to the customers wanting them to come back for a visit. d) Communities and Look and Feel: Amazon. com also offers chat forums for the customers in order to discuss their views and opinions. This is also one reason for the customers to visit the website. ‘Internet Chat Headset Forum’ is one of the examples of their chat forums and virtual customer online communities. The storefront of Amazon. com has been rated high as it offers a number of varieties on the page and also provides clear layout for the customer to assess where they are required to go. e) Incentives: Amazon. com offers different incentives to the customers such as bargains of Friday Sales, Today’s Deals and many more. It offers auctions and personal accounts to give the customers a sense of individuality and personalization encouraging them to visit more often. f) Security Reliability For such sites security is utmost important and therefore it can be said that â€Å"Security and Privacy Policy for these are very well put together and are very private† and one has to â€Å"go through various checks and double checks for e-mail and password verifications. This ensures that the website company and you have the right passwords and e-mail addresses for your privacy and protection. They also have protects programming on their sites to ensure that no one can get you password, e-mail address, and most important your credit card number† (B2C e-commerce design and performance for Amazon. com, BN. com, Half. com, n. d. ). g) Successful achievement One of the many highlighted features of the website is that very recently â€Å"Amazon. com is to Webcast Investor Conference Presentation Morgan Stanley Technology Conference† (Business News, 2007) which is considered to be a huge achievement for the organization along with earning million of dollars of revenue. Another one of its achievements could be the introduction of software called the Amazon S3â„ ¢ which is â€Å"a simple storage service that offers software developers a highly scalable, reliable, and low-latency data storage infrastructure at very low costs† (Amazon Web Services Launches Amazon S3, a Simple Storage Service for Software Developers, 2005). Ethics and Professionalism in the ICT discipline ‘Ethics and Professionalism in the ICT discipline’ talks about the importance of the code of ethics in the professional environment not for one’s career but for the sustainability of its moral values. It describes Ethics as Doing good, Not doing bad, Not screwing people, Only screwing the competition, Letting the competition screw you, Doing things right, Doing the right thing. Key Implications These key implications of Ethics in IT are explained with respect to the example of Amazon. com. For such sites security is utmost important and therefore it can be said that â€Å"Security and Privacy Policy for these are very well put together and are very private† and one has to â€Å"go through various checks and double checks for e-mail and password verifications. This ensures that the website company and you have the right passwords and e-mail addresses for your privacy and protection. They also have protects programming on their sites to ensure that no one can get you password, e-mail address, and most important your credit card number† (B2C e-commerce design and performance for Amazon. com, BN. com, Half. com, n. d. ). Risk Assessment of Ethics in IT Despite the existence of internet over the years, it has still not been able to gain trust regarding the transactions online. Amazon. com along with other organization based online for selling face the challenge of assurance of security to its customers. As for Amazon. com, it failed to provide trust in regard of security to e-commerce project because they did not concern about technical risks. Despite the presence of a huge customer base, a lot of potential customers are hesitant to buy from amazon. com because of this particular reason. However, there is a long procedure regarding the security of credit cards and its personal information which is utilized by many websites present today. â€Å"Many sites that accept credit cards claim they are secure when they have an encryption certificate. This is where you can see the padlock symbol at the bottom of the screen. The encryption certificate encodes the message with the credit card details when it is sent and the organization issuing the certificate (e,g, Thawte or Verisign) verify the business before they issue it. (E-commerce Security, n. d. ). Amazon. com follows the same long procedure of ensuring that the customer feels safe but even then there is a lot of chance of stealth of the information and its misutilization might lead to disastrous losses to an individual. This is the fear that stops the potential customers from entering into the market of internet. â€Å"If credit card numbers are stored on a server they are still potential targets for a hacking attack. Afferent Media protects its server with anti virus and firewall systems. Its ultimate defense though is that it does not store any credit card numbers† (E-commerce Security, n. d. ). Hence, despite the effort, due to technical risk involved Amazon. com is facing the same threat as many other online retailers. Although Amazon. com has developed a trustworthy image over the years but when it comes to monetary losses people are hesitant to take risk as the loss incurred might get too huge to counter. This technical risk can however be countered in order to gain the potential customers that are hesitating at the moment. This can be countered if â€Å"transactions are carried out in real time, in just the same way as an EFTPOS machine. The message is encoded and sent to the bank, if the card passes the checks then funds are transferred directly to the vendor. This is just like when you buy petrol or shop in a supermarket. The vendor swipes your card in and EFTPOS machine, they do not store the card details. † (E-commerce Security, n. d. ). Like every weakness, if this factor is also addressed in its early stages it might not even classify as a problem and may be included in one of the challenges but the more Amazon. com delays it, the more it might lead to disaster and reduction of customer base. It has the advantage that the solution has already been identified, therefore the company just needs to incorporate this procedure in its security e-commerce procedure and keep proper checks and balances over a period of time and the job is done. Once the authenticity of the procedure is verified, it would not be hard for customer to develop trust in the online services. Despite the overall success of the organization, there are still factors that it needs to counter before the issues convert into real threat to the existence of the organization. The security factor is always vital in e-commerce as no customers would want to risk their monetary gains for shopping online. Lean Thinking ‘Lean Thinking’ is a presentation which defines the importance of customers with the help of practical examples taken from different scenarios. It also takes into account the impact of value on customer’s choice and the importance of value in a product. Key Implications McDonalds is a world wide known brand and hence it is famous and loved all around the world for its customer hospitality. A fast food chain, so customer friendly has also made use of the IT sources which is explained as further. The company is a fast food chain across the world known by the name of McDonalds. It is world renowned and is among the top most fast food chains across the globe. It has different kinds of fast foods in its menu ranging from rapid on-the-go burgers to healthy breakfasts and other food items. The organization is known for its quality and variety in food across the globe along with paying its full due to the corporate and social responsibility to the members of the society. Our organization not only is concerned about regular people who are health or weight conscious but also make sure that people with certain individual problems are also given attention to. The entire nutrition information is available on its website and can be completely relied on as it is taken from â€Å"from testing conducted in accredited laboratories, published resources, or from information provided from McDonald’s suppliers. The nutrition information is based on standard product formulations and serving sizes. All nutrition information is based on average values for ingredients from McDonald’s suppliers throughout the U. S. and is rounded to meet current US FDA NLEA guidelines† (McDonalds – USA, 2006). Despite of enjoying the top most notches in most of the countries we are present in; it is made sure that the organization does not lag in its due responsibility towards its customers, employees or the society it caters to which is evident by the brochure of Corporate Responsibility by McDonalds. This brochure is known as ‘The McDonalds USA Corporate Responsibility Brochure’ and another third worldwide corporate responsibility report has been published recently in 2006. It has the ability to adapt to country to country environment and culture. It pays utmost importance to kids and their meals and therefore because of that reason we have specialized meal for children as well. These meals are set with kids preferences in mind and offers incentive such as toy gifts which children can enjoy along with their respective meals. Capabilities and Potential with Risk Assessment McDonalds is known for its customer service and for increasing indulgence in the technology sector as well. McDonalds has some of Information technology involved in its procedures as well as to offer to the customers. As a Manager it is very important to be well equipped and well informed regarding the knowledge of the on-going dynamics in the information technology sector of the country. The advancement of the organization in the information technology sector is indicated by the fact that it offers one of the most novel technologies of the information system which is the McDonald’s Wireless Connectivity. It offers Wi-Fi service to its customers so that they can even bring their work to McDonalds along with enjoying a good meal. Its not just limited to United States which is one of the most technologically equipped country of the world but 7,000 outlets around the globe. We believe in giving the best to our customers and Wi-Fi is a part of it as â€Å"We believe in bringing you innovative and convenient services that enhance your McDonalds restaurant visit, and Wi-Fi is a perfect example. As McDonalds continues to deliver fast and friendly food service at more than 30,000 convenient locations around the world, you can now enjoy the possibility of staying connected with friends, family and co-workers† (McDonalds Wireless Connectivity, 2006). Apart from this, our organization has even stepped in introducing a technology that would bring into use the real time network used by huge and well-known places such as Wal-Mart. In order to manage its hardware and software in different location across the globe, it took help of the Fujitsu Philippines Incorporation to implement a system the system. The system is called Help Desk which enables in the monitoring of the inventory system and the management of the SMS and documents. Due to Help Desk the technical support service now take half the time it previously did. (McDonalds Philippines improves customer service via technology, 2007). Due to high volume of sales of McDonalds around the globe, the manual or low level storing data system is not anymore a product of efficiency for the organization. Therefore, it has moved a step forwards and â€Å"The PC POS system replaced proprietary computer registers that delivered information to in-store processors. These computers are a McDonalds restaurants black box, recording information on operations such as an individual stores total sales for the day, and the number of patties, buns, cups and other products used, and delivering it back to the McDonalds mainframe systems in Oak Brook each night over a modem connection† (Food, Folks and Forecasting, 2006). We as Managers also make use of this technology to place orders to the suppliers for replacement as well, hence making tasks easier for everyone of storing the large bulks of information everyday. The Future of Business Information System ‘The Future of Business Information System’ talks about the consultancy by Dennis Keeling. It takes into account the trends in business cycle, the types of business applications and the industry changes. It talks about different operating systems and system designs and data file structure. Key Implications of The Future of Business Information System The most upcoming trend in the future is outsourcing. Outsourcing is a trend that has recently become very popular among the multi-million and multi-billion organizations around the world. Outsourcing â€Å"often refers to the delegation of non-core operations from internal production to an external entity specializing in the management of that operation† (Wikipedia, n. d. ). There are various functions of an organization that are not the main operations and therefore can be outsourced to other parties such as â€Å"Business segments typically outsourced include information technology, human resources, facilities and real estate management, and accounting. Many companies also outsource customer support and call center functions, manufacturing and engineering† (Wikipedia, n. d. ). There are several reasons why one would outsource their operations to an outside party, which might include the purpose of exploiting cheap labor in case of third world countries or utilizing the efficiency of specialized expertise in a particular field of work. Outsourcing might also involve reducing the cost even it effects their quality to a slight extent. IT outsourcing helps improve the efficiency of IT department as after outsourcing there is special attention given by an entire group people to only one operation, hence in return increasing its importance and therefore its efficiency. IT outsourcing might also be done due to cost reduction by utilizing brains that are willing to work for less as compared to the human resource that is present domestically. Along with a lot of benefits in outsourcing, there comes a bucket full of criticism as well. The critics believe that outsourcing reduces the quality of the operation outsourced hence reducing the overall performance of the organization. Hence, it is believed that organizations reduce their cost by compromising on their quality and exploiting cheap labor by outsourcing. On the other hand â€Å"proponents of outsourcing believe that arguing that outsourcing leads to lower product quality is pointless because if it were true, consumer demand will force firms to shift back to producing the good or service in-firm rather than out-firm† (Wikipedia, n. d. ). Risk Assessment regarding Future of IT With respect to outsourcing, the possible risk or problems that IT could face in the future are as explained further. There are different outsourcers depending to where they are located. They include three kinds that are outsourcing, offshore outsourcing and offshoring. Although these terms are used as a replacement of the other but their meaning is different from one another. Outsourcing is the allocation of an organization’s operation to another responsible party. Now the difference lies in the presence of this third party, that is, if the third party is located outside the host country, it is known as offshore outsourcing. While on the other hand, offshoring is when an operation of an organization is taken to another country without transferring control to the third party. Hence the difference is of transfer of control to another party, that is, the power remains within the organization in case of offshoring while in offshore outsourcing it is transferred to the third party. In case of IT offshore outsourcing, the main country that receives the majority deals is India due to its IT success in recent years with able IT graduates and world-renowned IT universities present in India. Different problems might occur due to the location of the outsourcer, that is, in case of offshore outsourcing, the cost of checks and balances, transportation, dealing across distances might end up being equal or surpassing the cost cut that is the purpose of outsourcing. Hence, nullifying the effect of outsourcing with the cost incurred for distant dealing. â€Å"One issue offshoring of technical services has brought more attention to is the value of education as an alleged solution to trade-related displacements† (Wikipedia, n. d. ). The foreign location of the outsources in case of offshore outsourcing and the exapanding of business globally in case of offshoring might also be subject to crticism due to the reason that it causes the host country to suffer with opportunities travelling to other countries rather than being available to others. Hence, along with certain positive outcomes, outsources is subjected to a sufficient amount of criticism as well. In order to counter the crticism, it would have to scrutinze itself and remove such drawbacks. Weaknesses in Current Information Technology Capabilities However, the McDonalds journey may be rapidly moving towards the success ladder but there are several pitfalls that have occurred in its Information System and its capabilities. For us as managers, it is very important to identify those pitfalls and rectify them as soon as possible in order to avoid any forthcoming problems or issues. The technological world is an extremely rapidly evolving environment, with information becoming obsolete after a certain period of time. Hence, it is very important for the Managers to take that into account and be on the constant guards to protect their image. Wi-Fi is a very innovative and healthy technology but in those countries that are well equipped to support this kind of technology and the citizens prefer to have it in a restaurant. As per a management’s perspective, to implement it in a country like Bangladesh or Pakistan, where there isn’t much knowledge of technology among the masses, would not only be unfeasible but also irrelevant expenditure. As for the PC POS System implemented, it does save time but being a Manager it is very important to receive the detailed information to further process it for other uses which it failed to do. â€Å"The data that is batch-dumped to the McDonalds mainframe system in Oak Brook every night doesnt offer the detail McDonalds executives needed and, worse, took as long as a week to be compiled analyzed and distributed to managers who would then order more patties, buns, etc. from McDonalds vendors†. Hence, it needs to take that into account as well. Professional Presentations Requirement of Soft Skills All the organization of such calibre are required to have high aptitude personnel in it with the presence of hard skills as well as soft skills. In order to sell your product, one has to make sure that its presentation and the its communication is up to the mark. The more the people are convinces the more is the popularity of the product or service meant to be. It is very important for a professional to possess the skills of speaking well and hiring such professional can be a tedious process but all the effort is worth it. Hiring is a very difficult process; it takes a lot of time, patience, and money. Gone were the days when management only looks for technical skills alone, now, they are more focused with soft skills referring to non technical skills of an individual. What are soft skills? According to Mannering (1998) they are considered to be harder to identify, to distinguish. Ironically, for many managers, the soft skills are the hard skills. Ask anyone who has had to manage change, deal with organizational politics, or build a disparate group of people into an effective team (Holbeche, 2006). Platinum skills are developed through training and delegation, active listening, giving and receiving feedback, and creating a motivational environment. (Topchik, 2004). Companies Who Values Soft Skills Fujitsu Here’s an excerpt from an article â€Å"Hi-tech soft skills† IT Training; Jan2007 Fujitsu Services has set up an international Management Academy, headed by Paula Graham (right), to help IT professionals brush up on their interpersonal skills As they progress up the career ladder, many IT professionals could find themselves at a crunch point. They have been hired and valued primarily for their technical and engineering abilities, but as they become more senior they will be expected to adopt more custodial and managerial responsibility over junior colleagues. But where, along the way, were they supposed to have picked up these managerial and interpersonal skills? IT giant Fujitsu Services is tackling the problem of helping the technical person be a better people manager with a new company-wide experiment in delivering soft skills training at leadership level. This programme is about raising the bar on the organization’s people management skills, adds Jeremy Hill, London-based managing director of training partner DIEU. Fujitsu employees are comprised mostly of IT professionals, yes they have all the various technical skills that needed to become one of their programmers, and they keep on giving other technical trainings in order to stay competitive and knowledgeable on diverse IT trends. And yet, management feels they lack something, they need to brush up with communication skills. Employees needed to be more effective communicators; they need to get their message across clearly with the people they are dealing with. Communication is very essential and powerful tool not everybody has the knock off communication skills, and essentially improvement on this part will have a big impact both for employees and their company.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free Essays - Animal Farm :: Animal Farm

Animal Farm By George Orwell The theme of Animal Farm is not difficult to follow with in the book. The allegory of history that was during the time of the books development, Orwell intended to criticize the communist regime he saw sweeping through Russia and spreading to Europe and even the United States.   Though he agreed with many Marxist principles, Orwell was unable to accept the communist interpretation of socialism because he saw many similarities between the communist governments and the previous czarist regimes in old Russia.   Communism, he thought, was inherently hypocritical. In his book, Orwell uses his allegorical farm to symbolize the communist system.   Though the original intention of overthrowing Mr. Jones (who represents the Czars), is not inherently evil in itself, Napoleon’s subsequent adoption of nearly all of Mr. Jones’ principles and harsh mistreatment of the animals proves to the reader that indeed communism is not equality, but just another form of inequality.   The pigs and dogs take most of the power for themselves, thinking that they are the best administrators of government.   Eventually the power corrupts them, and they turn on their fellow animals, eliminating competitors through propaganda and bloodshed.   This is of course a reference to Stalin, who murdered many of his own people in order to maintain his dictatorship of Russia.   Because Animal Farm was written, it opened the eyes of the Western world to finally realize the danger of communism.   Soon a Cold War began between the world’s greatest superpowers— the Soviet Union and the United States.   In the end, America would prove that capitalism and democracy could outlive a system of government-mandated equality. As Orwell’s presentation within in the book, many animals were used to symbolize different public figures in that time frame. Each animal had an outstanding role through out this book from the pigs to the pigeons each with their own mischief characters. Mr. Jones: Mr. Jones is Orwell’s chief villain in Animal Farm. Of course Napoleon is also the major villain, however much more indirectly. Orwell says that at one time Jones was actually a decent master to his animals. At this time the farm was thriving. But in recent years the farm had fallen on harder times (symbol of the world-wide Great Depression of the 30’s) and the opportunity was seen to revolt. The worldwide depression began in the United States when the stock market crashed in October of 1929. Free Essays - Animal Farm :: Animal Farm Animal Farm By George Orwell The theme of Animal Farm is not difficult to follow with in the book. The allegory of history that was during the time of the books development, Orwell intended to criticize the communist regime he saw sweeping through Russia and spreading to Europe and even the United States.   Though he agreed with many Marxist principles, Orwell was unable to accept the communist interpretation of socialism because he saw many similarities between the communist governments and the previous czarist regimes in old Russia.   Communism, he thought, was inherently hypocritical. In his book, Orwell uses his allegorical farm to symbolize the communist system.   Though the original intention of overthrowing Mr. Jones (who represents the Czars), is not inherently evil in itself, Napoleon’s subsequent adoption of nearly all of Mr. Jones’ principles and harsh mistreatment of the animals proves to the reader that indeed communism is not equality, but just another form of inequality.   The pigs and dogs take most of the power for themselves, thinking that they are the best administrators of government.   Eventually the power corrupts them, and they turn on their fellow animals, eliminating competitors through propaganda and bloodshed.   This is of course a reference to Stalin, who murdered many of his own people in order to maintain his dictatorship of Russia.   Because Animal Farm was written, it opened the eyes of the Western world to finally realize the danger of communism.   Soon a Cold War began between the world’s greatest superpowers— the Soviet Union and the United States.   In the end, America would prove that capitalism and democracy could outlive a system of government-mandated equality. As Orwell’s presentation within in the book, many animals were used to symbolize different public figures in that time frame. Each animal had an outstanding role through out this book from the pigs to the pigeons each with their own mischief characters. Mr. Jones: Mr. Jones is Orwell’s chief villain in Animal Farm. Of course Napoleon is also the major villain, however much more indirectly. Orwell says that at one time Jones was actually a decent master to his animals. At this time the farm was thriving. But in recent years the farm had fallen on harder times (symbol of the world-wide Great Depression of the 30’s) and the opportunity was seen to revolt. The worldwide depression began in the United States when the stock market crashed in October of 1929.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Assessments Package Essay

The paper is based upon the self assessment online training. Throughout I will explain what changes the exercise has done to the view I had prior and the view I have after. Although in I think that becoming a case manager is a hard job and requires specific personality traits. I will write about the position of a case manager and what roles and duties the job requires. I will discuss the viewpoints on ethical principles, professional responsibilities, how my viewpoints had changed after the online training, and the self-awareness I have gained that could prepare myself for a case management role. View Changes on Ethical Principles The ethical obligations of the privacy for consumers and his or her protection of their health information are to be upheld at all times. The ethical principles within health care organizations are based upon the accountability of professionalism. However, the protection differs from the type of organization for example, state programs require state laws to be accommodated and followed. The programs in which state covers is alcohol and drug abuse programs, Medicare, and other accreditation programs that are applicable to federal laws. Therefore, the ethical principles in my opinion are held high as the guidelines are to be followed by all organizations in order to function properly and to provide the proper care to the clients. Privacy is extremely important as no person would want his or her medical conditions and concerns placed into public hands. View Changes on Professional Responsibilities The workforce training required for upholding privacy and security of health information proved to me that it is seldom to be professional in this type of work field. The awareness or degree of the security and privacy for patient’s health information varies from how to use or share health information, parameters, job position influences, the leadership interpretation, and implementing costs. The professionalism of the HIPPA security and privacy requires the formal education and proper training to ensure that the person entering this type of workforce can have ongoing accountability for the security and privacy to protect health information. The standards for HIPPA’s security and privacy rules address specific training requirements so professionalism responsibility is an absolute after receiving proper training. The requirements for the high-level training are crucial because of the cost and ongoing requirements and responsibilities of the workers. The professional responsibilities of the job demands ongoing training in which the workers are constantly up-to-date with documentations and responsibilities required by each person. The viewpoints of professional responsibilities after completing the online assessment has changed based upon the amount of responsibility the workers must obtain. The responsibility to make sure no health information is leaked through the system (documents, computers, corrupt employees) is extremely important, therefore the information shared among people is to be protected. Although I believe that health care information is not an item in which thieves’ want to possess. Health care information is in my opinion pointless to steal, as people really should not care who has certain medical conditions wrong with them. The workers job to me seems like a security job with the use of a computer in regard to health records, I often picture a security guard standing in front of a medical filling room. Self-Awareness Becoming self-aware of the case management role prepares me to comprehend the responsibilities, duties, and importance of health care information. The case management role is an important role as the information obtained by the case worker is personal should be guarded or protected, and secured. I am aware of the responsibility the case managers has daily and what his or her job title requires. However, I do not have plans or goals to become a case manager or to have that type of role in a job. I like helping people, whereas, I do not like to sit still and stare at a computers or paper work as a career. In the end, I have obtained information in which case manager’s jobs require extreme security, privacy, and professionalism. The case management role is only for certain people who can handle that type of job. Becoming a case manager is not a random choice a person picks for a career. For me, it is nice to obtain information in regard to the role of a case manager and realized how important case manager’s jobs are and what his or her daily duties require.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Snort system softwareBy:College:Course:Professor:Date:AbstractThere has been a battle of supremacy among tech giants for quite a long; one company is always trying to outsmart the other. Positively speaking we can say that this has led to many innovations that have come in handy to make the customers navigations easy (morris-2014). Looking at it from the customers' eye, selection of good software has been a daunting task as most of them are brilliant if not classic. Selection of an operating is quite easy technology gurus but the situation is different for customers that are drawn to a product just because of peer reference or it popularity. Most of them end up being disappointed with their acquired systems after they underperform or demand other requirements to function. It is this battle that has led to specialization of the products in the technology industry, a keen analysis will show that some operating systems perform brilliantly in one field but fail in another; one is good in programming but moderate in its internet speed and vice versa. This research should be an eye opener for the operating system customers; before they pack bucks to go shopping for an OS they should know the precise features that they want their OS to have and hence need to do detailed digging to avoid confusion and later frustrations. Well, the most common operating system is windows; banking on popularity, but Linux is also catching up. Mac is out of question in this research as it only operates on Apple devices and if one owns the device then he has no option but stick to Mac operating system. On that point, I will be focusing on windows and Linux software in a bid to prove my point clear. The comparisons between these two should clearly show that one is superior to the other; I back the Linux system. To add a mint of credibility I will be sourcing for information from trustworthy online sites and scholarly articles that speak in favor of Linux. This will do away with bias and give the reader relevant insights. In the result section I will be showing that, truly there are benefits of Linux over windows software. In the discussion part I will highlight the requirements to run Linux, its file system location, instructions to run it and give examples of companies that use Linux to prove my point. IntroductionLinux was developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. It is a free open source open source operating system that allows users customize their own source code additional to main source code of Linux. It can be used on any device, smartphone, gaming consoles, e-books and desktops, however, it is mainly used as a server because of its openness and easy functionality. A common distribution of linux is the kernel; this is the central operating system component and link between a software application and its data. Other distributions are; downloading tools, system utilities, programs. It also comes in handy when installing or uninstalling updates. The ability of Linux to allow easy data manipulation and have resizable folders, buttons, windows and icons has made a preferred OS over its competitors as web developers use it to train themselves. Its robustness, scalability and flexibility have also made it a base OS for giant companies (gagne-2014). Some of it outstanding benefits are; open source nature, this allows it users to see the codes and make modifications. Community support system, this enables the user to reach share his problems to the Linux community and solutions be offered without waiting for experts. Reliability, it runs smoothly with no delays and reboot commands. Free to use, the customers can access it freely and even run it without subscriptions. Privacy does not pop out additional tools or make commands for information collection. Best for programming, allows a variety of programming applications like c/c++, python, perl and java to run on the OS.Research MethodsI used internet articles and scholarly reviews to build on my case. I mainly focused on the ones that explained the advantages that Linux has and disadvantages of windows. I also read ones that said the advantages of windows over linux. I aggregated the results of one party one party over the other and also summed the disadvantages of one case over the latter. This is the method I used so as to not look biased. I sourced the installation instructions from Linux and Windows official sites so that to give detailed steps and prove which one was simple to install and run and which had additional requirements for the process to begin. Results I discovered that windows has 13 steps to installation of the main and will require an antivirus before you begin to run the operating system. Windows also has a variety of products that are only fit to certain types of devices depending on the year it was manufactured and the storage space on the device. Linux on the other hand has 11 steps that can be downed to 6 and does not need an antivirus installation before it starts running. This feature reduces cost. This proves that Linux is way cheaper and way easy to control than windows. DiscussionThe steps after installation are not essential if you only need the Linux OS to be doing simple tasks like typing and doing calculation (dubey-2016). There also minimal requirements needed to run Linux on your device, they are;2GHz dual core processor2GiB system memory25 GB hard drive space, that can hold a USB stick, memory card on external driveVGA that has 1024 by 768 screen resolutionDVD/ CD or USB port for installer mediaInternet access ( optional)The requirements to install it on your desired servers are also less compared to windows;Processor should be 300MHz by 86 or above RAM should be 256MiB or above Disk space of 1.5GB or aboveMonitor cable and graphic card of 640 by 480 CD driveSystem files or log files are located in the directory of the software; there are different log files for different applications on the system. The most common files are history files that contain installation and removal information. In the directory you can view it at apt then history.logOther file destinations in the directory are;Installer, log files created during installationKern.log, kernel information like errors and warningsAlternatives.log, set of history on alternatives set by different, details on graphic driver that includes it warnings and failuresApport.log, saves information about number of crashes the OS has experiencedInstructions to install your Linux software are simple;Download the OS from Ubuntu site, this ensures it is authenticBurn the OS on a CD, memory card or flash diskPartition the computer's hard driveInsert your installer to the specific portRestart your device and wait for Linux installation window to appearSelect the language on the BIOS and click installCheck both boxes for preparing to install Ubuntu and continueCheck erase disk and install Ubuntu, click install nowFollow th e prompts to set location and time and enter your user informationSelect log in information and restart the computerSelect Ubuntu and press enterConclusion War lines were drawn on the technology industry floor when there was emergence of software and the situation tensed further when modifications were being done on the systems. All fronts have diehards and sycophants to vehemently prove their sides stronger but we must all agree that there are specific tasks that on OS performs better than the other; it is on this truce that I have proved that Linux has a better understanding of its customer base and it is by far the best as it offers simpler and more efficient tools over its arch rival. It is sad that a company's supremacy is always measured by its net sales and popularity but the judges ignore its suitability and fail to account for the grumbles from the customers. Truth be said, it is this ratings that lead to misleading of more customers. Linux efficiency and supremacy can be proved by giant companies that run on it; facebook, Google, Amazon, McDonalds, twitter, IBM, DELL, NASA and even the American submarines (das-2014). This clientele proves the point that Linux has a high level of privacy, is fast, can be modified to feed specific needs, cannot easily crash, is inexpensive and holds a large amount of data. Thumb rule of any manufacturing company should be; allow customers get the value for their money but meeting their specific needs. What is the need of getting of acquiring an operating system that is not long lasting or one that will need regular updates for it to function? That is how I conclude that Linux is by far much better than Windows operating system.ReferencesLA Morris- 2014Multi-OS (operating system) boot via mobile deviceG Gagne- 2014Operating system conceptsSK Dubey- 2016Implementation of operating system selection using AHP- entropy modelD Das- 2014Performance measurement and management model of data generation and writing time.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Definition and Examples of Substantives in Grammar

Definition and Examples of Substantives in Grammar In traditional grammar, a substantive is a word or a group of words that functions as a noun or noun phrase. In contemporary language studies, the more common term for a substantive is nominal. In some forms of construction grammar, substantive is used in a broad sense thats unrelated to the traditional meaning of substantive  (or noun). As Peter Koch observes in Between Word Formation and Meaning Change, It simply has the sense of constituted by one or more particular lexical or grammatical items (Morphology and Meaning, 2014). (See Hoffmans remarks in Examples and Observations below.) EtymologyFrom the Latin, substance Examples and Observations Doctors have asserted many times over the centuries that  walking is good for you, but  medical advice has never been one of the chief attractions of literature.(Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking. Penguin, 2001)The motion was eager, shy, exquisite, diffident, trusting: he saw all its meanings and knew that she would never stop gesturing within him, never; though a decree come between them, even death, her gestures would endure, cut into glass.(John Updike, Gesturing.  The Early Stories: 1953-1975. Random House, 2007)A [substantive is a] grammatical term that in the Middle Ages included both noun and adjective, but later meant noun exclusively. It is not usually found in later 20c English grammars. . . . However, the term has been used to refer to nouns and any other parts of speech serving as nouns (the substantive in English). The adjective local is used substantively in the sentence He had a drink at the local before going home (that is, the local public house) .(Sylvia Chalker and Tom McArthur, Substantive. The Oxford Companion to the English Language, Oxford University Press, 1992) A substantive noun or a substantive is . . . a name which can stand by itself, in distinction from an adjective noun or an adjective. It is the name of an object of thought, whether perceived by the senses or the understanding. . . . Substantive and noun are, in common use, convertible terms.(William Chauncey Fowler, English Grammar. Harper Brothers, 1855)Substantive Nouns and Adjectival Nouns- In Aristotelian, and scholastic, terminology, substance is more or less synonymous with entity. It is this by now almost obsolete sense of substance which gave  rise to the  term substantive for what, in modern  terminology, are normally called nouns.(John Lyons,  Natural Language and Universal Grammar: Essays in Linguistic Theory. Cambridge University Press, 1991)- The objects of our thoughts are either things, like the earth, the sun, water, wood, what is ordinarily called substance, or else are the manner or modification of things, like being round, being red, being hard, being lea rned, what is called accident. . . .It is this which has engendered the principal difference among the words which signify the objects of thought. For those words which signify substances have been called substantive nouns, and those which signify accidents, . . . have been called adjectival nouns.(Antoine Arnauld and Claude Lancelot, 1660, quoted by Roy Harris and Talbot J. Taylor, Landmarks In Linguistic Thought. Routledge, 1997) Substantives in Construction Grammar[C]hildren acquire language based on a specific lexical input. For example, they first acquire  fully substantive constructions  (i.e. structures in which all positions are filled such as I wanna ball). Only gradually do they then  schematize these constructions  by replacing a substantive lexical item by a variable slot (I wanna ball thus becomes I wanna X and X can then be filled by doll, apple, etc.).(Thomas Hoffman, English Relative Clauses and Construction Grammar.  Constructional Approaches to English Grammar, ed. by  Graeme Trousdale and Nikolas Gisborne. Mouton de Gruyter, 2008)Pronunciation: SUB-sten-tiv

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reporte consular para ciudadanía por derecho de sangre

Reporte consular para ciudadanà ­a por derecho de sangre El reporte consular de nacimiento en el extranjero prueba que una persona nacida fuera de Estados Unidos es ciudadana americana por derecho de sangre. Es el equivalente al acta o certificado de nacimiento que se emite a todas las personas que nacen en los EEUU. Y este reporte sirve para demostrar que se es ciudadano americano, para poder sacar el pasaporte y para obtener otros beneficios que corresponden por la ciudadanà ­a como Medicaid, Chip, etc en el caso de ir a vivir a USA. Datos bsicos de la ciudadanà ­a americana La nacionalidad de los Estados Unidos puede adquirirse por cinco caminos distintos. La mayorà ­a la adquieren por lo que se conoce derecho de suelo, pero este artà ­culo trata de un caso especial que tambià ©n es relativamente frecuente: la obtencià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a por derecho de sangre.   Es decir, un  menor adquire la ciudadanà ­a americana a pesar de haber nacido en otro paà ­s porque el padre, la madre o ambos son americanos en el momento en el que tuvo lugar su nacimiento. Quià ©n puede solicitar el reporte consular de nacimiento en el extranjero, cundo y cunto cuesta Para poder solicitr el reporte consular es necesario que la nacionalidad estadounidense cumpla todos los requisitos para transmitirse. No es suficiente que el pap o la mam sea ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. Los requisitos son distintos segà ºn el progenitor estadounidense sea el padre o la madre o ambos y tambià ©n de su estado civil. Si se cumple lo que establece la ley, entonces se podr solicitar el reporte consular. El padre o la madre que es ciudadano estadounidense (o ambos, si es el caso) son los autorizados para pedir el reporte consular. Tambià ©n puede hacerlo cualquier padre, si tiene una orden judicial en la que se le reconoce en exclusividad la guardia y custodia sobre el menor. Incluso es posible que el padre o la madre americana autoricen a otra persona a que realice la peticià ³n. En este caso, se necesitar una declaracià ³n jurada notarizada concediendo la autorizacià ³n. Adems, debe solicitarse antes de que el nià ±o o la nià ±a cumplan los 18 aà ±os de edad. Pero es muy recomendable que se haga cuanto antes, incluso inmediatamente despuà ©s del nacimiento. En todo caso, debe solicitarse antes de que el menor viaje a los Estados Unidos por primera vez. Esta gestià ³n tiene, en la actualidad, un costo de $100. Cà ³mo se tramita el Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Extranjero El primer paso es ir a la pgina de internet de la oficina consular ms cercana y seguir las instrucciones para hacer una cita para solicitar el reporte (CRBA, por sus iniciales en inglà ©s). A continuacià ³n hay que preparar y conseguir la documentacià ³n que se necesita para ir a la cita al consulado. Primero, hay que rellenar el formulario DS-2029. Es muy importante recordar no firmarlo, ya que ese es un paso que se debe hacer ante el oficial consular. Tampoco se debe rellenar los apartados 28/29 y 30, que lo har el cà ³nsul. Adems, es necesario aportar la siguiente documentacià ³n: 1. -El acta de nacimiento del nià ±o. Es fundamental que conste el nombre completo, correcto y debidamente deletreado del padre y de la madre (salvo en los casos de maternidad en solitario). 2.- Prueba de que el padre, la madre o ambos son ciudadanos americanos. La mejor forma de probarlo es con un pasaporte estadounidense en vigor. Otros documentos que se admiten son el acta de nacimiento, si ha nacido en Estados Unidos, o el certificado de naturalizacià ³n, si nacià ³ en otro paà ­s, emigrà ³ a EEUU y en algà ºn momento en el pasado obtuvo la ciudadanà ­a americana. 3.- Si se est casado, prueba del matrimonio. Asimismo, si se ha estado casado con anterioridad es necesario mostrar un documento que acredite cà ³mo acabà ³ el matrimonio anterior: viudedad, divorcio o anulacià ³n. 4.- Una declaracià ³n jurada por parte del progenitor estadounidense que se llama Affidavit of Parentage, Physical Presence and Support. En dicha declaracià ³n el padre o la madre juran que han vivido en Estados Unidos el tiempo necesario para poder transmitirle su nacionalidad al hijo o hija nacidos en el extranjero. Y es que no basta con ser americano, hay que haber vivido en USA cierto nà ºmero de aà ±os y poder demostrarlo. Tener presente que las reglas son diferentes segà ºn el caso. Se piden distintos aà ±os de residencia en EEUU segà ºn se trate de padre o madre o si estn solteros o casados. Adems, no basta con declarar que se ha vivido el tiempo requerido, hay que poder demostrarlo con documentacià ³n como por ejemplo: registros escolares, pasaportes anteriores, pago de impuestos, cotizaciones al Seguro Social, rà ©cords mà ©dicos, contratos o facturas a su nombre, rà ©cord militar, etc. Recibir el Certificado de Registro de Nacimiento en el Exterior Los consulados tramitan esta gestià ³n, pero el documento se emite en Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto hay que indicar dà ³nde se quiere recibir, dndose la opcià ³n de una direccià ³n en Estados Unidos, en el paà ­s de residencia (en algunos casos) o en la oficina consular. En otras palabras, el dà ­a de la entrevista no se saldr del consulado con el certificado en la mano. Consejos a tener en cuenta Los documentos deben ser originales o copias autentificadas por la autoridad que las emite con el sello oficial correspondiente. No sirven fotocopias ni tampoco copias notarizadas. Salvo casos muy excepcionales, siempre se devuelven esta documentacià ³n. Las reglas que regulan la transmisià ³n de la nacionalidad americana de padres a hijos cuando à ©stos nacen en el extranjero ha cambiado a lo largo de los aà ±os. En los casos de duda, hay siempre que verificar quà © ley aplicaba en el momento del nacimiento del hijo de un americano.   Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que aunque hoy en dà ­a es muy difà ­cil perder la nacionalidad americana, hasta hace recientemente poco tiempo eso no era asà ­. Para estos casos a veces es posible recuperar la ciudadanà ­a. Por à ºltimo, cuando un ciudadano americano no puede transmitir a su hijo la nacionalidad por no cumplir con el requisito de nà ºmero de aà ±os vividos en EEUU, a veces es posible tramitar para ese menor una naturalizacià ³n especial adquiriendo la ciudadanà ­a por los abuelos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asistencia legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Without modern technology, what did European people of all ages and Research Paper

Without modern technology, what did European people of all ages and class do for fun and entertainment during the Renaissance period - Research Paper Example It was believed that good health promotes learning, as the body and the soul is indivisible. This theory called for recreation and play to go hand-in-hand with studying and working. Recreation does not only mean playtime. Using the popular theory of the body and soul during the Renaissance, it can be assumed that recreation gives the soul and the body its strength as the exercises toughens the body and studying expands one’s knowledge. One cannot learn if all one does is work or study. The mind and the body may be nourished with wisdom and knowledge but the body is not prepared to face the battles and challenges that the everyday life gives. How can one study then if the body is weak? Thus, the need for a physically fit body and sound mind is important in living well during the Renaissance. This belief goes hand-in-hand with the importance of human life and the value placed on dignity and individuality. During the Renaissance, the distinction between children and adults were blurred. Children were believed to have no importance in the society because of their lack of strength and knowledge (Hughes p.9). Only the elite members of the society has the chance to take on their education at a young age, the rest were off to work. Just the same with work, recreation, playing games and chanting nursery rhymes were done by everyone, children and adults alike. Recreation was not only part of the people’s way of living, as part of their relaxation and spiritual renewal. Recreation became a part of education, too (Hinds p.60). Since it was believed that recreation is a way to nourish one’s spirit and body, it was included in the study program of young children. Recreation and pastime during the Renaissance ranged from animal sports to celebrating feasts. Though their activities differ, the period has shown many types of recreation and pastimes that were to strengthen the body, as well as, nourish the soul.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Diplomatic negotiation and conflict resolution in the Asian Essay

Diplomatic negotiation and conflict resolution in the Asian multilateral arena - Essay Example One of the first such associations to come into existence was the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), which still symbolizes the earliest notions of multilateralism in the region. Earlier, nations in Southeast Asia had formed the ASEAN (Association of South east Asian nations), which was however limited in terms of influence, thereby falling short of addressing economic and political issues from a broader Asian perspective (Kent Calder, 2008). During the recent years, political events in the former Soviet Union resulted in dramatic changes and the formation of new republics that made up the larger part of Central Asia. All these countries along with Russia and China as the other Asian partners make up the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The amount of diplomacy that has gone into creating associations such as the APEC and SCO has been unprecedented and have thus helped bring cast and diverse parts of Asia into a common fold. Such associations have little to do with any kind of pedigree. Further, there are no weak instincts whatsoever that have resulted in any surrender of sovereignty on the part of member states in achieving the much need foothold in multilateralism (Stewart Patrick, 2002). Further, there have been several areas of friction among members states in such associations such as in the case of China and Taiwan. However, most of these gatherings have had to do a lot with economic ambitions and as such have endured the test of time. Taiwan and China, which are viewed as foes, continue to remain members of APEC on a common platform, which has been one of the ways of preventing both from indulging in diplomatic standoffs with each other. Although the final mandate of the APEC, ASEAN and SCO is largely limited to fighting terrorism and liberalization of trade, many have mutually created opportunities for bilateral negotiations at a lower level. This is also one of the reasons due to which countries try to resolve differences on